Smart Phone Lawn Care

It’s 2017 and we’re less than a quarter of the way through the 21st Century, but it’s hard to find areas of daily life that aren’t connected to digital technology in one way or another. Managing your lawn care is no exception. There’s hardware and software that can help you make your thumb a littler greener. Smart Phone Lawn Care is the way of the future.

Here are a few examples of what you can use:

Digital Rain Gauge

Measuring rainfall by placing a bucket outside is a practice that’s been done for ages. By using a digital rain gauge, you can set alarms for if it’s raining or flooding. The gauge automatically records the data so you can check the history and patterns over the last few days.

Parrot Flower Power

Your most delicate plants need careful monitoring. The Parrot Flower Power is a device that monitors sunlight, soil moisture and nutrients around your plants. Through a smartphone app, you can check all the information and set notifications to remind you when you need to feed, water or give your plant more sunlight.

My Lawn App

It’s easy to fall off track with your lawn care plan. With this smartphone app, My Lawn, you can not only create a good lawn care plan but it will send notifications to remind you to keep up with it. Through satellite imagery (similar to Google Earth) it will measure your lawn size and recommend fertilizer amounts, watering schedules and much more.

Rachio App

If you have an in-ground sprinkler system or are looking into getting one, there’s also an app for that. With the rachio app you can control your sprinkler system from anywhere. If you’re on vacation and there’s a dry spell back home, you can keep your lawn green with a tap of your screen.

Technology can make lawn care easier and a little more fun. But, somebody still has to actually do the activities to maintain your lawn. That’s where our favorite app comes in to play : the “phone” app on  your smartphone. You can use it to call Clean Cut Lawn & Landscape so you can sit back and enjoy life, while we make your lawn and landscape picture perfect.


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