10 Plants That Will Keep Your Indiana Garden Beautiful All Season Long

Wow, your flower beds and gardens look great! What color! You’re really going to impress your neighbors and guests this spring and summer …

Then what?

If you don’t plan ahead now for fall, your gardens will be little more than a drab, wet mess come October. Here are a few options for plants you can put in the ground now to take over for your spring and summer flowers when they start to fade later on this season.


  1. American Cranberry Bush. Part of the viburnum family, cranberry bushes bloom in spring but still look striking as they bear their ruby-red fruit in the fall.
  2. Purple Dome. This member of the aster family produces 1.5-inch blooms of deep purple that keep butterflies and hummingbirds coming around late in the season.
  3. Goldenrod. Another type of aster, this “Golden Fleece” grows to a height of two feet and expands into a striking three-foot cluster that you should plan on being the focal point wherever you plant it.
  4. Tall sedum. Like goldenrod, tall sedum can reach out two feet in height, but produces a much different visual effect with its fluffy pink cauliflower-like blooms atop each stalk.
  5. Colchicums. These plants send up leaves in the spring, die midsummer, then produce their beautiful, light purple flowers in shady areas by the fall.
  6. Christmas Rose. This delicate-looking white flower is actually so hardy, it may not be done blooming until January or even February as it endures moderate snowfall.
  7. Turtlehead. For something a little different, these plants feature thick stalks that look like snapping turtle heads and bear red, white or pink fall flowers at the top.
  8. Russian Sage. Tiny, lavender-colored petals grow out of long branches off the central stalk, almost like tiny evergreen trees with a refreshing splash of Easter color in the middle of fall.
  9. Black-eyed Susan. Taking over for your sunflowers in late summer, these yellow blooms feature perhaps a dozen finger-width petals with a prominent black eye in the center, and grow to about three feet in height.


Whether you put these perennials in the ground right away or just in time for fall, at least make a plan now for how you’re going to keep up the color throughout the season. You’ll be glad for the pick-me-up when the weather starts turning cold again.

For now, enjoy the warmth, enjoy the sunshine, and don’t hesitate to call us if you need help with this year’s landscape plan!

Clean Cut Lawn & Landscape
7415 W Jackson St
Muncie, IN 47304-9759
(765) 759-8575

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